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Auteur Donal O'Regan |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

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The theory of integral and integrodifferential equations has ad vanced rapidly over the last twenty years. Of course the question of existence is an age-old problem of major importance. This mono graph is a collection of some of the most advanc[...]![]()
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Ravi P. Agarwal ; Donal O'Regan ; G. Hammerlin | Gordon and breach science publishers | Series in mathematical analysis and applications, ISSN 1028-8600 ; | 2000This collection of 24 papers, which encompasses the construction and the qualitative as well as quantitative properties of solutions of Volterra, Fredholm, delay, impulse integral and integro-differential equations in various spaces on bounded a[...]![]()
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In the last century many problems which arose in the science, engineer ing and technology literature involved nonlinear complex phenomena. In many situations these natural phenomena give rise to (i). ordinary differ ential equations which are s[...]![]()
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Donal O'Regan ; Yeol Je Cho ; Yu Qing Chen | Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC | Series in mathematical analysis and applications | 2006Since the 1960s, many researchers have extended topological degree theory to various non-compact type nonlinear mappings, and it has become a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis. Presenting a survey of advances made in generalizations of degree[...]![]()
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Donal O'Regan ; Radu Precup | Gordon and breach science publishers | Series in mathematical analysis and applications, ISSN 1028-8600 ; | 2001This volume presents a systematic and unified treatment of Leray-Schauder continuation theorems in nonlinear analysis. In particular, fixed point theory is established for many classes of maps, such as contractive, non-expansive, accretive, and[...]